Your In Touch newsletter is here

Mar 28, 2023, 01:00 by User Not Found
The latest issue of your In Touch newsletter is now available online and includes an update on the Member-Nominated Trustee selection process and a questionnaire for applications.

Your In Touch newsletter is being mailed out to members of the E.ON UK Group of the Electricity Supply Pension Scheme (ESPS) this week. A copy is also available online in the Newsletters section of the website.

In this newsletter you'll find the latest Summary Funding Statement, which provides an update on the financial health of the Scheme as at 31 March 2022.

There's also information on the pension increase that will apply from 1 April 2023 for members of the final salary categories.

Are you interested in becoming a Trustee?

A selection process is currently underway to appoint two Member-Nominated Trustees (MNTs). Your In Touch newsletter tells you more about the MNT role, what it involves, and how the selection process works.

If you're interested in nominating yourself to become an MNT, you should either complete the paper questionnaire enclosed with your newsletter and return it to the address shown on the form. You can also find the form by going to the 'My Scheme' section, and then 'Scheme documents'.

The deadline for returning your questionnaire is 21 April 2023.