Npower Main Section

This section is for deferred members of the Npower Main section of the E.ON UK Group.

Membership benefits

  • a pension linked to your Pensionable Service and Pensionable Salary
  • benefits for your dependants whether you die before or after retirement
  • a disability income if you are forced to retire early because of ill-health

Retirement options

If you left the Company by choice or left before your Normal Pension Age, you can choose between the following two options:

  • Frozen benefits - all the benefits under the Npower Main Section that you, and your family, are entitled to through your past membership, but which cannot be paid because you have not yet retired, died, or had to stop work due to ill-health. 
  • Transfer value payment - If you leave the ESPS Section with a minimum of three months' Pensionable Service, it may be possible to make a payment to your new pension arrangement or scheme. This could be an approved personal pension, a Section 32 insurance policy or a new employer's pension scheme.

    If the value of your benefits in the ESPS Scheme is £30,000 or more and you want to transfer your benefits to a DC, known as a defined contribution or money purchase, pension arrangement, you are required to seek independent financial advice.

Retirement options do depend on your individual circumstances so please refer to your Member Booklet for more information.